Wednesday 11 January 2012

Go with the flow

I have received an interesting newsletter from Summer McStravick about being in the flow and trusting that everything will work out just fine.

She asked the following questions:

In what area could I let go of expectations for a particular outcome while at the same time creating a feeling goal at the end that could come to me much quicker and easier?

In almost every area of my life, but especially when it comes to finding a new job. My family life too.What specific expectations would I need to give up?

I need to let go wanting to work from home, or from every place in the world. Instead I should create a feeling goal, i.e. I have a fulfilling job and enough money for an easy life and I don't have to worry how to pay the bills anymore.

I need to let go wanting to control everything I can't control, i.e. my Dad's health and how he is doing everyday, how he spends his time when he is alone.

•Do I trust my life and my Flow enough to let go in this?

I have to work on this!

Sunday 8 January 2012

Plans for 2012

I will take up a hobby, anything I have fun with, no matter what other people say.

Find a job I can do from home. Working from home is my big dream, after working only from Tuesday to Friday, what I achieved last year.

Vacation! I need more rest this year, the stress of the past year has taken it's toll. Some place warm would be nice, but not too far away.

Over all, I will have more fun!

Monday 19 December 2011

The Good in everything

Looking back, it was a year that had a few highlights, but wasn’t easy at all.

I had a few health problems, thank God nothing serious, but unpleasant after all, and the year round stress has taken it’s toll.

Making decisions regarding my job were more difficult than ever. Staying or leaving, I couldn’t decide. The job has it’s benefits – I could reduce my working days to 4 days a week and now I have more time to care for my Dad and I have one more day off to do what I like.

But that doesn’t really seem to solve the problem.

I wasn’t really looking forward to 2012. Until….

Last Friday I became ill with a nasty 24-hour bug. I had to leave work earlier and spent the rest of the day and almost the whole night between bed and bathroom. Not nice.

After a few hours well deserved sleep I woke up and felt calm and relaxed – strange after what I’ve been through. Suddenly I knew what I have to do and I am no longer uncertain.

My sickness came like something I needed, to make a decision. It was like a detox for body and mind. Well, some people pay a lot of money for a detox and women’s magazines are full of it in January. Hey, I had it for free.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Something old, something new...

I haven’t blogged for quite a while now and I thought about giving up blogging completely.
I felt, I had nothing interesting to say – how stupid – and I don’t want to bore my readers (if there are any out there) to death.

But instead of giving up I chose a new template for my blog, a brighter colour to lift my spirits and I will write about what happens in my life, if possible once a week.

Now, what happened since last June: I got a new job from a Temping Agency, the work assignment has ended in April and now I’m looking for a new one – but, doesn’t it happen all the time? I really have to change something here; I’m running in circles.

The good about my last job is, I met really nice people and I hope to see them from time to time on a private basis. There was also a very creative woman and meeting her renewed my interest in painting. So I took a watercolour class and I will try acrylic and oil painting too. Seems there is something good in every job I had.

In December my Dad had an accident at home, he was trapped in the bathtub for approximately 2 days. He was dehydrated, exhausted and confused, but thank God he recovered quite good after his weeklong stay in the hospital. Now I call him every evening to make sure everything is all right. This is something that bothers him now, he doesn’t like to be controlled. Well, I have to do it, I can’t visit him everyday since he lives in another city, a one-hour drive from Munich.

Since he left the hospital in December I constantly remind him to visit his Doctor. All he does is say “yes”, but he doesn’t make an appointment. Eventually he has no more pills left and when I spend last week with him I discovered his right upper arm is bright red.

“Dad, what happened?’” I ask.

“Oh, some bug has bitten me, it itches but it’s not so bad”

“But your arm is bright red, there must be an infection, you have to make an appointment with your Doctor!”

“Yeah, next week…”

I continue to remind him over the weekend to make this damn appointment. Yes, Monday…

Monday morning and my Dad is up early. He opens the bathroom door and says:

“I can’t go to the Doctor today, because the scratches on my forehead look so bad. I have to wait a few days until it looks better.”

Scratches??? There are two abrasions on his forehead that weren’t there last evening.

“Dad, what have you done?” I ask worried.

“I fell off the bed with my duvet and I couldn’t find my way back. So I slept on the floor. I must have scratched my forehead on the carpet. When I woke up again around 3.30 in the morning I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw there was blood on my face, I wiped it off and went back to bed.”

I have to control myself not to scream at him. He has hurt his head on the edge of his bed, there are bloodstains on the carpet and on the sleeve of his pajama. And all he does is wipe off the blood and go back to sleep as if nothing has happened.

I call the Doctor immediately and make an appointment the same day. Funnily enough my Dad doesn’t protest. We take the bus to the City and I wait for him in the waiting room. He gets a shot, Antibiotics and they take a blood sample. He emerges from the Doctor’s office with a nice white band-aid over the largest abrasion.

We are on our way back home, when a few older people with canes and walking aids are boarding the bus.

My Dad speaks up.

“You know what, we have to get rid off all the people over 70.”

I look at him puzzled. “How can you say that, you are 83” I say.

‘”Yes,” he continues, “but that is not a life anymore.”

Yeah, Dad, don’t tempt me….

Thursday 19 June 2008

Something in German

Thank's Feedjit I know there are some visitors from Germany.

Although I don't know if they understand german, I want to share with you an excerpt from my first book:

Du willst also ein Buch schreiben, aha....“

Ich hatte mich mit meiner Freundin Johanna nach der Arbeit verabredet und uns einen Tisch in der Kaminlounge meines Münchner Lieblingshotels reserviert. Versunken in einer mit edlem Stoff bezogenen Couch neben dem still knisternden Kaminfeuer ließen wir den Tag ausklingen. Die Atmosphäre war angenehm und nicht wie man vielleicht bei einem Hotel der Luxusklasse vermuten würde, total versnobt. Ich hatte ihr schon in meinem Email angedeutet, daß ich entschlossen war, die nächste Bestseller Autorin zu werden und wollte ihre Reaktion bei einem Kännchen Tee testen.

Meine Freundin Johanna sah mich gespannt an.

„Und wovon soll es handeln?“

„Nun“, ich begann nach einer halbwegs plausiblen Antwort zu suchen, „ erst habe ich gedacht ich könnte so einen Coaching Ratgeber schreiben, du weißt schon, diese Art von Büchern, welche ich zuhauf bei mir zuhause stehen habe“.

Johannas Stirn runzelte sich etwas.

„Aber dann fiel mir auf, daß ich in punkto coaching gar nicht viel zu erzählen habe, es sei denn, ich schreibe das gleiche, was schon in Hunderten von Büchern abgedruckt wurde“. Ich fühlte einen leichten Stich in der Magengegend, als ich daran dachte, daß meine Bemühungen eine Karriere als Coach einzuschlagen eher suboptimal verliefen.

„Apropos coaching“, begann Johanna, als ob sie meine Gedanken erraten hatte, „wie läuft es denn eigentlich damit?“

„Es läuft so gut, daß ich beschlossen habe, es sausen zu lassen“ erwiderte ich.
„Zumindest werde ich ab sofort kein Geld und auch keine Freizeit mehr dafür opfern. Sollte tatsächlich jemand über meine Website stolpern und mich als Coach engagieren, fein. Aber wenn nicht, dann eben nicht“. Zumindest in dieser Sache hatte ich eine klare Vorstellung.

„Aber wovon soll dein Buch denn sonst handeln, ich dachte immer du hast als Coach wirklich was drauf und kannst Menschen helfen?“ Johanna wirkte nun etwas verwirrt.

„Jaaa, schon“ druckste ich herum, „aber was nützt das, wenn sich die Menschen von mit nicht helfen lassen wollen. Nein wirklich, irgendwie habe ich auch die Begeisterung dafür verloren. Ich möchte endlich wieder etwas machen, woran ich auch Spaß habe. Ein Buch schreiben, daran hätte ich jetzt Spaß!“......

Your comments are welcome!


Monday 16 June 2008

Writing a new script

Today I received a newsletter from a fellow coach Donna Higton.

She wrote about her way of getting clients and that it is very different regarding her two businesses. That made me think about my way of getting work.

Maybe it is time to write a new script for my life? Maybe I should try her "Woo-woo way." You don't know what that means? Well, you can find out here:

Beach Biz - A 'Woo-woo' Way of Getting Clients


Friday 6 June 2008

Successful Week

I had a successful week!

Three Job Interviews and two offers for Job Interviews but I wasn't interested in the company.

I'm in the flow now, everything looks positive and I'm looking forward to a long and sunny weekend in the garden.

Have a nice weekend everybody!
